MARS Football - General Information

This is a fun and recreational tackle football program for ages 6-12.
The objective of the organization is to establish and maintain a program focused on the fundamentals of sportsmanship and character, with an emphasis on safety and health.
MARS Football is open residents of Adams & Middlesex Twps or Mars & Valencia Boroughs ages 6-12. Football age brackets are outlined below - age is as of 7/31 for the calendar year.
- Rockets - Age 8 and under, weight limit of 110 lbs.
- Astros - Ages 9 & 10, weight limit of 130 lbs.
- Martians - Ages 11 & 12 year, weight limit of 150 lbs.
Additional notes:
- The number of football teams that the program fields is dependent on the number of participants for that age bracket during a given season. Age groups may be split into multiple teams as necessary.
- Availability is based upon first come, first serve - so signup early!
- Team size may vary based on participation rates, but general size is between 35-40 participants.

When & Where

Football Practices
- Team practices begin in late July
- Practice Schedule –
- First two weeks of the season – Monday through Friday, 6-8pm.
- Second two weeks of the season – Monday through Thursday, 6-8pm.
- Remainder of the season – Tuesday through Thursday, 6-8pm.
- Practices are largely scheduled at Mars Borough (Marburger) Field, but additional locations could include Middlesex Park, Adams Township Park, or Lakeview Athletic Club
- As we get closer to practice, a detailed schedule will be provided.
- Games are scheduled on Saturday or Sunday and typically run 2 1/2 hours long.
- Game times generally range from 9am - 8pm.
- Regular season games start mid-August and run through mid-October.
- Three week playoff schedule with the Super Bowl in late October!
- The MARS home games are played at either the Mars Athletic
- Complex (MAC) or the Mars Borough (Marburger) Field (home field).
- Away games are at the home team's local field.